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【我们在六月份和七月份最期待的连续剧】 The Most Anticipated Dramas of Summer 2018

夏天是最适合放松的时间段,最轻松的事就是坐在自己家最舒服的沙发上,吹着空调追最近一些最火的连续剧。 当下是2018年六月和七月份要播出的国产连续剧。

Summer is a time to relax and recharge. Whilst doing so you may find that the next best thing to a beach vacay is lounging on your comfortable couch at home, keeping up with the latest and most popular Chinese dramas. Below are some of the upcoming and most anticipated dramas of June and July 2018.


The Legend of Fuyao


First, and probably one of the most anticipated dramas of 2018 is The Legend of Fuyao.This drama is based on the Chinese internet novel Empress Fuyao and has been praised by CCTV media for transmitting positive values and messages such as persistence, independence and magnanimity; as well as encouraging people to chase after their dreams.


The story takes place in a universe of five kingdoms that is led by the Imperial City of Tianquan. Since she was born, Fuyao came under the tutelage of the Xuanyuan sect from the Taiyuan Kingdom. She was always looked down upon for her lack of talent in martial arts until she learned an invincible fighting technique at the age of 16. She is tasked with a pivotal mission to collect the secret orders of the five kingdoms, she embarks on a journey across the land. Along the way, she falls in love with the Crown Prince of Tianquan and together, they battle the complicated politics and power plays between the different forces. With the help of her loyal companions, she sets out to unravel the heinous plot of the ancient firmament.


The series stars Yangmi as Fuyao and Ethan Ruan and Zhangsun Wuji. It started airing on June 18th and is currently slated for 66 episodes.

Photo courtesy of Drama Panda dramapanda.com


Win the World


Next we have the long awaited drama Win the World. The drama chronicles the life of Ba Qing, the wealthiest woman of the Qin Dynasty. She is known to have provided mercury for the first Emperor of China’s mausoleum, and also funded construction works for the Great Wall. She is referred to as ‘older sister’ by Ying Zheng, the Emperor of Qin Dynasty, and they become involved in a complicated romance.


This series stars Fan Bingbing as Ba Qing. The drama was actually set to air much earlier this year, but because of a scandal involving their lead male actor, Gao Yunxiang, they had to reshoot the drama. Now, the drama has replaced its male lead with Fan Bingbing’s fiancee Li Chen. He instead will be starring as Ying Zheng.  


The drama is set to air on July 6th and is currently slated for 80 episodes.

Photo courtesy of A Virtual Voyage https://www.google.com/url


Ten Years Late

接着要介绍的这部连续剧叫做《十年三月三十日》。这个连续剧是按照日本漫画Asunaro Hakusho改变出来的剧本。

Another highly awaited drama of this summer is Ten Years Late. This television series is a loose adaptation of the Japanese manga Asunaro Hakusho; and follows five friends as they move on from their university days to adulthood.

《十年三月三十日》 讲的是五个大学朋友一起成长的一个故事。 靳燃和赵承志同时爱上了袁莱。为了不伤害朋友之间的关系,他们俩不敢接近袁莱。 他们的朋友丁昂死去之后,各自多离开了学校只有袁莱一个人留在学校念书。过了十年三月三十日他们又聚在一起了,以前的秘密一个一个的被透露了出来。他们能否还继续当朋友?

Ten Years Late is a coming of age story that follows five young university students who are a tight knit circle of friends. Jin Ran and Xu Chengzhi fall in love with Yuan Cai, who prefers Jin Ran. In order not to hurt each other as friends, both young men try to avoid forming a relationship with Yuan Cai, which inadvertently leads to tragedy among the friends. After the accidental death of their friend Ding Ang, the friends leave university for various reasons, leaving Yuan Cai alone to continue and finish her studies. A few years later they all meet again and are surprised by the secrets that are revealed.


This series stars Guli Nazha as Yuan Cai and Shawn Dou as Jin Ran. It is set to air on July 6th and is currently slated for 45 episodes.

Photo courtesy of YouTube https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi8h6GBpfnbAhVPOKwKHUuD8kQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DmCwBSXhRCRA&psig=AOvVaw2MykpQXToFsv4_qYicfarJ&ust=1530375996091321



Sweet Combat

Lastly, we also have the highly anticipated drama Sweet Combat.


The series follows the life of Ming Tian, a youth who is born into poverty. He decides to enroll to Zheng Ze University, a sports school which is known for giving out generous amounts of scholarships, despite having no foundation in sports. There, he meets Fang Yu, heir of a giant business conglomerate, who is groomed to become the successor of her family’s trade. However, Fang Yu has no interest in her family's business and is instead passionate about sports. Defying her family, she enrolled into Zheng Ze University and became the taekwondo champion of the school. Fang Yu is tasked to train Ming Tian, and during the process of learning, the two fall in love with each other. The drama shows the growth of Ming Tian, under the assistance of Fang Yu and their friends, into a better person and a skilled sportsman.

《甜蜜暴击》是鹿晗和关晓彤主演,目前要在7月底在湖南卫视播出。 总共有38集。

Sweet Combat stars Luhan as Ming Tian and Guan Xiaotong as Fang Yu. Its is set to air at the end of July and currently is slated for 38 episodes.

Photo Courtesy of Jayne Stars https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjagO3RpfnbAhVBXK0KHWa4C04QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jaynestars.com%2Fnews%2Flu-han-and-guan-xiaotongs-sweet-combat-is-turning-fansaway%2F&psig=AOvVaw2E27NASsLiY2NYWhsxM1R4&ust=1530376163858109